Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of September 21 to 28



A week of lovely energies unfolds as the Sun enters Libra on Sept 22 and we move through the Equinox threshold at a zero-energy point of peace, balance, and internal harmony. Mercury retrograde is conjunct the Sun at 0 degrees Libra, highlighting an important decision or choice to consider at this time. Mercury retro then re-enters Virgo and interacts with Venus in Virgo as they both trine Pluto RX in Capricorn. Powerful truths and understandings are coming through this week that can help evolve you going forward. The Libra New Moon on Sept 25 is a beautiful time to listen to your own needs, as well as find a new equilibrium point within your own energy field. Much more to share in this week’s podcast episode.   ~ Awakening Astrology Retreat: A Quantum Embodiment Experience ~ Oct 7 to 9 in Berkeley, CA. Tap into greater self-knowledge in your astrology chart + body consciousness through 13 live workshops ~ More details here:   ~Join me for the world