Enterprising Individuals

Season 7, Episode 9 "Star Trek: Insurrection" with Sasha Wood of Casually Comics



We're experiencing a perfect moment in time this week as we slow down to enjoy the third TNG film: "Star Trek: Insurrection"!Sasha Wood of Casually Comics returns to the show this week to discuss Michael Piller's uneven but endearing contribution to the TNG film series. The Enterprise discovers a remote planet of enlightened but defenseless race who is being victimized by the cruel Son'a. When the Federation forbids Picard to interfere, the captain and his crew will have to weigh their responsibility to Starfleet against the Ba'ku's right to exist!The benevolence of the Federation and Starfleet are taken for granted in Star Trek storytelling, but it would be naïve to deny the parallels between Starfleet's mission of discovery and the adventurous (and often predatory) explorers of Earth's past. Coming on the heels of the action-packed "First Contact", "Insurrection" was an attempt to refocus the TNG film series on the complicated themes that made its television counterpart so engrossing, and even though it was