Campus Africa

The Classroom of the Future - Alan Goldberg



During the Industrial Revolution, classrooms adopted the traditional design: desks in rows facing a chalkboard. More than 150 years later, most classrooms still adopt this setup. Yet many scholars believe we are in the midst of a new Industrial Revolution characterized by AI, robotics, and the Internet of Things, to name a few elements.Alan Goldberg certified Apple trainer and Director of Education at Apple Premium Reseller, Digicape, recently provided in-depth insight following an education event hosted by tech-giant, Apple.Goldberg believes that in order to truly transform the education system there are two key things that need to take place. First, educators need to view technology, like the iPad, as a tool to augment, modify and refine the learning process – not just a way to replace traditional learning methods. And secondly, educators need to act as a facilitator in the classroom. As he puts it, “technology – while powerful – is simply a tool.”In our chat with Alan, we explore the following:- The curren