Friends At The Table

The Road to PALISADE 01: HOUNDs Pt. 1



This episode carries content warnings for violence, abduction, and risk of suffocation.  Welcome to the Road to PALISADE, an interlude connecting PARTIZAN to PALISADE, our upcoming season (which will be played in Armour Astir: Advent by Briar Sovereign)!  Unlike 2019’s Road to PARTIZAN, please know that this season will likely contain broad spoilers for COUNTER/Weight, Twilight Mirage, and PARTIZAN. In many ways, we see both the Road to PALISADE and PALISADE itself as opportunities to weave many important threads from the Divine Cycle together. Another way in which this interlude season is different from the Road to PARTIZAN is that we aren’t necessarily telling a linear history from point A to point B. While many key points on the five years separating the two seasons will be hit, the Road to PALISADE is intended to be less of a direct history and more of a series of snapshots, capturing events happening as the Principality’s civil war continues.  As a fun note, all of the stories we play this interlude sea