Conscious Soul Growth With Molly Mccord

Weekly Intuitive Astrology and Energies of August 24 to 31



The final week of August ends with Mars in Gemini squaring the Sun in Virgo, creating impatience and annoyance, while also opening us up to new possibilities, choices, and considerations after the intense energies of July and August. Mercury enters Libra on August 25, making it easier to share what we’re thinking with others, as well as finding mutually beneficial solutions that we may review again during the upcoming retrograde in September. Venus in Leo has a big week as she squares Uranus, the Nodes, and then opposes Saturn, which activates her re-programing at a deep level that could be shocking and unexpected at a personal level. The Virgo New Moon on August 28 focuses on presence, healing, and responsible grounding into what is essential for you on daily basis now. More to share in this week’s podcast.   ~ September 2022 Soul Growth Astrology - Discover how the energies of September 2022 are going to be significant in your life by following along with your natal astrology chart. Includes the Pisces Fu