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Grief and Loss with Louanne Stanton



Louanne's bio:  I stood at the foot of my husband's hospital bed... "Where is the book?" I asked the doctor. "What book?" he asked... "The book that tells me how to do this..." I was 33 years old and my 35 year old husband lay in the bed, just pronounced brain dead. It was the most devastating loss I had experienced in my life. Through this unexpected blow in life, I learned many lessons that I did not want to learn, but I did learn something profound. I wanted to help other people through the horribleness of grief. After doing much research on what type of certification I wanted to get in order to help people, I discovered the Grief Recovery Method website. I signed up for their certification program and became a Grief Recovery Specialist in 2016. The Grief Recovery Method is a practical, action based program that fit my beliefs and lifestyle. I have now helped over 150 people walk through the small and correct actions that allow people to come from pain to relief. I have heard over and over again how muc