Scott Thompson Show

Earthquake in Italy, Trudeau's honeymoon and stopping the Hydro One sale.



At least 73 people are dead after a devastating earthquake in Central Italy. The earthquake reduced three towns to rubble. How do people rebuild after this?   Guest: Lydell Wiebe, assistant professor, civil engineering, earthquake expert with a focus on steel structures and returning buildings to occupancy after earthquakes, McMaster University.  What is the Red Cross doing to help in Italy? Guest: Chiran Livera, Deputy Director of Operations, Disaster Management for Red Cross Canada.   Is the honeymoon over for Trudeau? A British Guru on “deliverology” told the Prime Minister and his ministers that they’re heading into a tough second year.   Guest: Henry Jacek. Professor of Political Science, McMaster University.   A townhall meeting was held last night by the Citizens Coalition Against Privitization who argues that because Hydro One has been privatized, the rates should be expected to rise even more.   Guest: Rosario Marchese, Chair for Citizens Coalition Against Privitization.