Life On Your Terms ~ Powered By Your Inner Compass Hosted By Dr. Gwen Schiada

015 ~ Heather Waring on Creating Space…It’s The First Step Toward the Life You Want



Dr. Gwen Schiada interviews Heather Waring about the essential need to create space in our lives for reflection and clarity. We so often get caught up in “ticking the boxes” throughout our days, but are we really living? Creating space and using walking as a transformational tool allows us to connect our physical and mental and become wholistic, healthy beings. It is in this “space” that we can better listen and hear the path that calls to us. And, give ourselves permission to take the steps toward the life we want to create. Heather shares her personal journey of living for years in the mode of pushing through, ticking the boxes and living in her words with “her head severed from her body” until she could push no more.” It was only when she “Listened” and began to heal the disconnect that the authentic and purposeful path for her life became clear. How many of us aren’t listening? How many of us are severed from ourselves? Her story of walking the Camino is an amazing metaphor for life. Life calls us to the