Modern Farm Girls Podcast

Hannah Thompson-Weeman from The Animal Ag Alliance



Hannah Thompson-Weeman is the president and CEO of the Animal Agriculture Alliance. Since 1987, the Alliance has been safeguarding the future of animal agriculture and its value to society by bridging the communication gap between the farm and food communities. Hannah’s work includes developing a plan of action for when protestors strike and fighting misinformation in anti-meat narrative campaigns.  Episode Credits: Thank you to all who’ve made this show possible. Our hosts are Diana Rodgers and James Connelly. Our producer is Emily Soape. And, of course, we are grateful for our sponsors, Patreon supporters, and listeners. Patrons get access to ad-free podcasts, exclusive videos, a discussion community, and much more. Go to to support my work. Today’s podcast is sponsored by Alec’s Ice Cream, the first and only verified regenerative, organic ice cream and the best-tasting ice cream I have ever had. Plus, they are Certified Humane. Check it out by going to