Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Your Hidden Power - August Energy Update & Angel Reading



The energy of August is so exciting with so much opportunity for change, transmutation, transformation, manifesting and abundance. August energy is going to hand us the opportunity on a golden plate to step out of old paradigms and into something new, something wonderful! I’ll explain exactly what this means for each of us plus I’m sharing: The theme and insights for August and the power of choice. The numerology for August - an eight month. Important astrological dates and the Angels to work with. Angel card reading for the month and divine guidance. How to supercharge your intuition and receive new insights. Overall, August brings huge energy, it will be important to stay spiritually aligned and grounded and keep connecting in with your Angels and guides so you can lean on their guidance and support. Namaste, Sandra P.S. If you are joining us for the Lionsgate portal Activation, you can click below to sign up and also get instant access to one of the bonus gifts I have created for you: https://cours