Job Seekers Radio

015 How to Reach Out – Anatomy of a Networking Conversation Part 1



Show Notes Networking is the #1 way to find great new career opportunities quickly. How do you do it? Reaching out to people for the purpose of "networking" can be stressful. This is the first in a series of episodes on the Anatomy of a Networking Conversation. Don't miss these Topics: How to change up your search if you aren't getting interviews The Approach for setting up and scheduling successful meetings The value of LinkedIn search and finding the "right" people. Keys to reconnecting with prior colleagues, friends, and family Everyone you meet is a conduit to 200+ people you don't know Ideas about different populations of people to connect with Strategies for reaching out to get in-person meetings Why networking can help you with interviewing Finding ideas for overcoming networking nerves  Resources (including affiliate links) Gratitude Podcast Episode: 012 The Follow-up Process that will Double your Networking for Jobs Interview Podcast Episode: 010 Interviewing With Confidence iTu