Job Seekers Radio

017 The Question and Answer Dialog – Anatomy Networking Conversation Part 3



Show Notes The art of networking comes down to your ability to ask great questions. Continuing the series on the Anatomy of the Networking Conversation, Scott and Andrew discuss the importance of the question and answer (Q&A) phase. Learn some ideas and techniques for driving your conversations to a successful destination. Don't miss these Topics: Guiding conversations through questions. What kind of questions you need to ask and when. The importance Planning, preparation and practice. Close Ended versus Open Ended questions. How Q&A is like a dance. The impression that others get when you ask questions. Tell them what you will tell them, tell them, and tell you what you told them. Resources (including affiliate links) 015 How to Reach Out – Anatomy of a Networking Conversation Part 1016 The Ice Breaker – Anatomy of a Networking Conversation Part 2010 Interviewing with Confidence   iTunes: Rate and Review