Job Seekers Radio

068 Balancing Cultural Fit With Urgent Need For Employment



Show Notes Urgent needs for income can cloud the judgement relating to company cultural fit. Scott and Andrew discuss strategies for working through the process of recovering from desperate needs for employment. Don't miss these Topics: How to stay true to your values in challenging situations. Taking inventory of your work styles and matching with chosen employers. Focusing your mindset on your strengths to perform well on interviews. Building the right branding presentation. Identifying gap jobs. Creatively managing finances.  Expanding the gap between virtue and despair.  The type of people to surround yourself with. Resources (including affiliate links) Resilience EpisodesThe Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment063 The Number One Secret to Job Satisfaction  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:02 - 00:05:05 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This production is meant to provide you the listener meaningful support to