Job Seekers Radio

070 Top 9 Ways to Get Networking Done



Show Notes You know you should network. You know many people find jobs and get promoted through networking. So what's the hold up? Sometimes knowing how to network is the hard part.  Scott and Andrew share the Top 9 Ways to get your networking Done. Don't miss these Topics: Top 9 Methods to Get your Networking Done Best practices for networking to make it easier. Resources (including affiliate links) What Color is Your ParachuteNetworking: Insiders' Strategies for Tapping the Hidden  Market Where Most Jobs Are Found  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedited Transcript View Transcript 00:00:01 - 00:05:07 welcome to job seekers radio. I'm Andrew and I'm Scott. This is a podcast. Meant to provide you meaningful support to find great careers faster. And that's whether you're working or not. Today's episode is brought to you by the anatomy of a networking conversation e book. It's a free resource that you can download download at Jobseeker's radio DOT COM. There's a little link on the homepage where you c