Job Seekers Radio

077 How To Get On The Radar of the Hiring Manager



Show Notes Getting noticed by a hiring manager can take some effort. You have interest in a company or even a specific position, but are unsure about how to get on the radar. Scott and Andrew discuss some strategies for finding hiring managers and getting their attention. Don't miss these Topics: Getting around the applicant tracking system (ATS) and recruitment processes. Reverse engineering the roles and industry trends based on research to craft attention grabbing mindsets. Leveraging industry associations and relationships to get introductions. Position your expertise to align with current events and trends. Tracking and keeping tabs on hiring managers of interest through authentic engagement. Identifying problems you solve or can help them avoid proactively. Incubating and updating hiring managers with valued content. Be an extension of the hiring manager's work by becoming a subject-matter expert (SME) and bringing information back to the team. Share the truth about your capabilities