Job Seekers Radio

081 Overcoming Self Doubt In Your Job Search



Show Notes Your job search not going the way you want? Feeling like your skills aren't up to snuff? Scott and Andrew discuss ways to mitigate your self doubt. Don't miss these Topics: Remember this: You have value! and.. Everyone has doubt! Identify and manage your self doubt. How to think about job postings when you don't fit because you are either under-qualified or over-qualified. Build resilience by taking productive breaks in your search. The danger of absolutist with your mindset and approach. Redefine your perspectives to see what's positive about it. The Never Ending Job Search, how to think about will it ever end. Doing things for others can become a useful diversion. Nobody is hiring or Hiring Freeze doubts. Role of networking in reducing your doubt feelings. Resources (including affiliate links) Why You Can’t Get an Interview – Explained Using Job-Search Science DataAndrew's LinkedIn Profile - Free Coaching at 3:00 PM Pacific every Friday  iTunes: Rate and Review Raw and Unedi