Job Seekers Radio

082 Coaching and Supporting Others in Job Search



Show Notes Do you want to help your network find jobs? Many of us do! Sometimes it's hard to know exactly how you might be able to help your network that is productive. Learn some strategies and tips on how to support job seekers from Andrew and Scott in this episode. Don't miss these Topics: What is coaching and how can I coach others. How to be available and supportive. What to do when people ask for your help to find work. When to ask questions and when to give advice. Side effects and benefits of supporting others. Building skills like understanding, empathy and helping others find their own way. Who and how to reach out proactively. Offering and doing mock interviews. Thoughts on reverse brainstorming or being the "devil's advocate". Facilitating networking connections. Don't ask for a resume unless you have a job or capacity to 100% endorse for a job. Do for one what you wish you could do for many. Create template for responding to outreaches you may not be able to give full