Rocky Nash Live

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JUST DO IT! If I started an Amazon Live channel you can too. Create consistently and anything is possible. I believe in you. It took a lot of studying, hard work and self-motivation to get to where I am today. Grateful for the friends who noticed my determination, talent and progress - even if they didn’t know what I was rambling on about half the time. LOL! You don’t have to go it alone though, like I did in the beginning. Find your group of friends, peers and fans to help push you through the doubt. To learn how to become a #LiveProducer or level up your #livestream #remoteproduction at home or at work, click here: Follow my Facebook Page & subscribe here for video tutorials: Let's also have fun shopping for new gear. Please follow me on #AmazonLive when you have a moment: For brands looking to partner with me on a product launch or marketing activation, feel free to schedule a quick chat: