The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast | Created By A Freemason For Those Interested In The Study Of Freemasonry And The Art

Preserving Lodge History | A Conversation with Historical Light Masonic Podcast



Your Lodge may have a very interesting history to share but if it’s not being properly preserved, it will be lost forever. Preserving Masonic History becomes an important duty for all of us. A duty that  will ensure future generations of  Freemasons get to know the people and events that gave shape to the character of each Masonic Lodge.  Join me as I speak with Bro. Alex Powers, the host of Historical Light Masonic Podcast, about the efforts he has made to preserve the history of his Lodge and to inspire countless Brothers to preserve theirs. This is only half of this fascinating conversation, the other half will be published in his podcast. Make sure to listen to both to learn what it takes to move beyond the reading of the minutes and into masonic time travel.  Connect with our guest: Web- TikTok- YouTube- Facebook- Connect with us! Web-