Fyfc Studios - Fearcast

FEARCast 78 - Ivan Djurovic



FEAR starts wandering around an abandoned house checking out "strange noises" when he finds more than he bargained for, Ivan Djurovic. We sit down and chat about It Watches, a fantastic slow burn thriller that he not only wrote with Dave Parker, but also starred in. Check out my review of the film by clicking here. In this episode we talk about: - Ivan shows off his sexy name and his acting background. - Hands on learning for It Watches - Is Ivan stubborn? Hell yeah he is! - How do you respond with bad press? - Crew is Life - Troll Nation, don't feed 'em, but respect the good ones. #EarnTheBurn - All of the twists, and all of the turns! - How was it writing and then being the lead? - Ivan thanks the folks that are bringing the movie to the masses! - Being a suit actor? - What's next? What's the future hold?