Get Fit With Jodelle

Stubborn Fat Loss, HRT, Peptides & More w/ Titan Medical



It’s time to Get Fit with Jodelle, because we are talking stubborn fat loss and what to do about it, hormones, peptides, and my old school favorite from my bodybuilding days ECA stack…as well as some cutting edge therapies such as IV therapies and even a new drug you may want to look into, yes I said drug….. and as usual with regard to our health we are thinking outside the box, outside the mainstream thinking today. So if you are wanting answers to your exhaustive search of how to lose weight, keep it off, dial in your aesthetics, then look no further than today’s show. Yes, we will age, but thanks to modern science we can do it safely and with a little help from our friends, and I’m going to introduce you to some friends of mine who are helping many of my clients do just that…. John And Sharisse Tsikouris is the CEO of the highly successful Titan Medical Center located in Tampa, Florida. I love this center and wanted to have them on today because while I love to guide my clients in the realm of holistic