Get Fit With Jodelle

Talk Story W/ 5 Of My Clients - Infertility, Weight & More!



Today we “Talk Story”….which in Hawaiian means we learn from others which helps us better ourselves. Today you may hear your own story and your own struggles within one of my special guests. Welcome to a very special episode with 5 of my clients who have quite some amazing stories to tell. Listen in for nuggets of healthy tips, suggestions, and recommendations which have worked for others and can work for you too. Welcome Mike, Sheri, Kim, Holly, and Elaine and thank you for sharing your incredible health journeys, and for being real and honest about how you are still and always will be on this journey of optimizing your health. One of my guests is also a fellow therapist and health coach, and here is her information if you would like to reach out to her: Show sponsors include:
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