Big Scary Show – Episode 129 -Transworld Coverage



Episode 129 – Transworld Coverage and the End of an Era Transworld 2017 is in the books and man, was it a BIG one.  Haunters the world over descended upon St. Louis last weekend for a chance to see and buy the latest and greatest for haunt season 2017.  The Big Scary Show’s Badger and Meathook Jim were in attendance and they bring you a show FULL of coverage and interviews for what may very well be the last Big Scary Show. this show is bursting at the seams, as we bring you interviews with Gantom Lighting, Dark Stitches, a resurrection of the Springboro Haunted Hayride at a new, mystery(for now) location, Ed Edmunds, Von Charon Productions, Don’t Be a Monster, Find-A-Haunt, Allen Hopps, Froggys Fog, Necrotic Creations, Shay Armstrong of Cameleon Makeup, Ticket Leap, Chad Savage, the Canadian Haunters Association, Haunters Against Hate, Haunt Pay, Spooky Props, Nasa Searchlights, Creative Visions, Creepy Collection, Sinister Signs, Skeletons and More, and MEL Products….whew, I’m t