Diet Science

Adding Pecans to your Diet can Significantly Reduce Cholesterol!



A new study has shown that adding about two servings of pecans a day to your diet produces a greater and more consistent reduction in cholesterol compared to many other interventions. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the results of the study, with a bonus comparison to how avocados also reduce cholesterol levels.Sources:Guarneiri, L. L., Paton, C. M., & Cooper, J. A. (2021). Pecan-enriched diets alter cholesterol profiles and triglycerides in adults at risk for cardiovascular disease in a randomized, controlled trial. The Journal of Nutrition, 151(10), 3091–3101. Lichtenstein, A. H., Kris‐Etherton, P. M., Petersen, K. S., Matthan, N. R., Barnes, S., Vitolins, M. Z., Li, Z., Sabaté, J., Rajaram, S., Chowdhury, S., Davis, K. M., Galluccio, J., Gilhooly, C. H., Legro, R. S., Li, J., Lovato, L., Perdue, L. H., Petty, G., Rasmussen, A. M., … Reboussin, D. M. (2022). Effect of incorporating 1 avocado per day versus habitual diet on visceral adiposity: A randomized trial. J