Popular Usa Majority

Dicky Daddy | Abortion Father



Dicky was feeling extra rapey When the Extreme Court dropped the bomb Oh My God, now he can make a baby He can even choose the mom! Dicky always wanted to be a Dad But his victims did not agree Always made him feel so sad When the women chose to clean Dicky gonna make some children Thank you TrumpVangelicals Thank you American Taliban Dicky making some boys and girls Dicky gonna hunt for a wife Pick a mother for his child Pack his rope and knife Pray to God and smile Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank you Supreme Taliban Court Dicky's gonna be a Daddy Mother, don't you dare abort Thank You Jesus! Thank You Lord! Thank you Supreme Taliban Court Dicky's gonna be a Daddy Mother, don't you dare abort Mother, don't you dare abort Mother, don't you dare abort Dicky's gonna be a Daddy Mother, don't you dare abort