Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Episode 136: Divine Dialogue Part 1, Daniel 9:1-19



Pastor March Villareal begins this study on prayer.If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.4 Pillars of Prayer:1. Repentance verses 3-6 II Corinthians 7:102. Recognition verses 7-12 Revelation 16:73. Remembrance verses 13-15 Psalm 77:114. Request verses 16-19 Psalm 51:17Let us allow God’s word to align our heart to God’s heart. Let us seek after an honest prayer not a polished one. Let prayer cause us to look upward and outward.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of the Lord and be saved. Seek Him while He can still be found. His evidence is all around us. If you have questions, need someone to talk to or would just like to say hi, contact us. This message can also be heard on the church website at and viewed on YouTube.Tune in weekdays at 11:00 am to KEPT 96.9 FM for Hydrate Radio. A half hour minis