Calvary Chapel San Ramon Podcast

Episode 175: 1 Peter 1:13-21 "Our Response Ability"



Historically this book is written in the first century during a time of great persecution of the Church.5 imperative commands to be taken seriously are: Gird up the loins of your mind. Get ready for action. Be sober.. This is how we stay in the game to perform effectively by monitoring what goes into our mind. Fully rest our hope on the grace of God. His grace is sufficient for us. Be holy. Be separate from all that is unholy. Be apart from all that is in opposition to God. Conduct yourself, live your life, in a healthy Godly fear because God judges without partiality. The decisions and choices we make every day matter. In what direction are you trending? When our mind is right we will remember who we are and who He is. Let God’s word be God’s word to us and be holy as God is holy. Holiness is more a direction on this end of eternity that it is a place. Live changing inspirational truths are reference and located in this week’s Study Guide.Accept today God’s free gift of salvation. Call upon the name of