Young Money With Tracey Bissett

EP252 Spotlight on Young Money Scholarship Recipients Alain & Alexandra



It is never too early to learn about scholarships and the impact they can make on not only your education, but also your entire life. In this episode, we are shining a spotlight on two of the Young Money Scholarship recipients: Alain Lavoie and Alexandra Snider. These post secondary students are incredibly bright and will share so many great tips with you about their post secondary experiences and how scholarships have changed their lives. Listen in to learn why doing what you enjoy is so important—because if you don't, you won’t be successful in hitting your goals. You will hear the importance of getting educated, why you should always believe in yourself, and how your perspectives can be broadened by attending post secondary school.  “Education is the most powerful tool.” - Alain Lavoie This Week on Young Money: Why education is the most powerful tool in the world. The importance of doing what you enjoy. How to be more successful at hitting your goals. Why you must believe in yourself. The benefit of appl