Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 197: Next-Level Writer: Is This a Season to Slow Down or Surge Ahead?



[Ep 197] Every week I follow a pattern of sorts. Sometimes it gets thrown off by a day or two, but for my regular routine I write, record, prep, and publish content you may consume via the podcast, at the website, or in the newsletter that arrives in your inbox. The Routine Drip of Content Every week I also produce social media updates, some of which are drawn from the primary content, as I pluck themes, quotes, and images and revise them slightly for the micro-form found on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Every week, I drip these out—drip-drip-drip—an ongoing effort to encourage writers in all the places I interact with them. It’s part of my writing routine, and while the output wouldn’t blow away any competitors, I’ve seen that the regularity has proven to be sustainable and fruitful. Prepare to Surge Ahead and Get Lots Done Last summer I was out of the country for a month, unable to drip out content on my usual schedule. I could have just told everyone I was taking a break, but I wanted to keep up