Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach

Ep 198: Next-Level Writer – Organize, Schedule, and Enact Your Plan to Level Up



[Ep 198] Some people love to sit down and just start writing with no worries whether or not the work is moving them toward their goals. Others love to spend time making lists, making plans, setting everything up, scheduling down to the minute—devoting so much time to those tasks that they struggle to get around to the actual work of writing. Let’s figure out how to do both. Let’s find a balance. Let’s set ourselves up with a plan that helps us truly move toward goals and level up, and then commit to the work, so we can meet deadlines, accomplish tasks, and make progress. There are three things we need to do: we need to organize ourselves, schedule the work, and enact the plan. Organize, schedule, enact. Each takes a slightly different mindset and represents a slightly different role. It’s as if you’re three people at the same time. Organize As you organize yourself, you’re like a project manager and you’ll need a project management setup. Project Management Tasks You’ll want to make checklists to cre