Planned Solutions

Stock Market Dips Into Bear Market Territory Motor Vehicle Supply Chain Recovers RSU's



In this episode of the Planned Solutions Incorporated Podcast, The S&P 500 entered bear market territory (defined as a 20% or greater decline from the previous high) in mid-June. The stock market is now very close to pricing in a recession which on average could be expected to lead to a 27% decline in stock prices. Therefore, even if the US economy were to go into a recession, the stock market may not have much further to fall. On the other hand, should the US economy avoid a recession the stock market may rally due to the current pessimistic outlook. Also, The motor vehicle industry was hit hard by the COVID pandemic. First, production decreased due to the need for social distancing. Then, supply chain issues disrupted production causing the industry to operate below the pre-COVID levels for most of 2021. However, the motor vehicles and parts production index recovered to its preCOVID levels in April which may help to alleviate price increases. And, Restricted Stock Units (RSUs)are a valuable source of em