The Mentee Podcast

S5E25: The Power of Collective Wisdom: Becoming the Inspired and the Inspiration with Josh Friberg



Contrary to popular belief, leadership isn’t supposed to be about telling people what to do. If you are a leader, you must be able to inspire positive changes in people. By helping transform other people, you can give them access to tools and options that’ll broaden their minds and draw out their full potential. That, in turn, leads to personal success and global impact. In this episode of The Mentee Podcast, Josh Friberg, keynote speaker at the Abundant Agent, shares his thoughts and tips on transformational leadership. He discusses how you can draw inspiration from others and also be an inspiration to others. Here are some power takeaways from today’s conversation: Be a transformational leader. Engage in your community and learn from others. Expose others to tools and options. Draw inspiration from others. Create the impact you want to see in the world. [07:50] Transformational Leadership Most leadership in our culture is transactional. What we truly need is transformational leadership to help people fully