Keen On Retirement

Developing a Healthy Relationship With Money



What's your earliest memory about money? For me, it's the anxiety I felt as a boy, sitting in my father's apartment, waiting for his unemployment check to hit our mailbox. He suffered at times from anxiety and depression, which wasn't understood very well back then, so steady work was always a challenge for him. I remember buying him lunch at a malt shop once I started working -- not because I was trying to show how grown up, I was, but because we really needed the five dollars.  Those formative experiences drove me to a career that taught me how to take care of my own finances and help other people do the same. After nearly 30 years in financial services, I'm positive that there's a real connection between money memories, good financial habits, and mental health that influences our relationships, our emotions, our careers, and our progress towards a safe and secure retirement. To help me explore these important intersections, I'm thrilled to welcome Dr. Megan McCoy to today's episode. Dr. McCoy is a licensed