Rimproreport With Tom Adams

Steve Richards of the Data Protection Association



Steve Richards is the President of Richards and Richards in Nashville TN.  He is also the President of the new Data Protection Association, a not for profit organization whose mission it is to  set the standard for service and education for members of the Data Protection Community, worldwide.On today’s episode, Steve discusses the new Association as well as the upcoming conference to be held in St Petersburg, FL from October 1st through 3rd.We also draw and announce the winners of the prizes donated to support our 100th episode last week. Special thanks again to O’Neil Software, REB Storage Systems, Big Dog Shred Bins and Tom Dumez – the HIPAA Man for the generous donations of prizes to make the show something special.We’ll also catch you up on the latest industry news.Enjoy the show.Special Thanks to our Exclusive Show Sponsor, O’Neil Software.