Rimproreport With Tom Adams

Lula Salazar of Pay Per Box



Today’s story is about entrepreneurial stick-to-it-ive-ness. My special guest today started out in the donut business. Today, she runs a multi-site RIM service company in Mexico City, Mexico. But between the donuts and the records management, she’s experienced success, failure and tremendous personal loss.Lula Salazar is the Founder and Director General of Pay Per Box, a RIM enterprise with seven record center locations as well as a fileroom staffing business.  She employs over 180 staff.  While her box storage business might not seem that impressive at just 150,000 boxes, Pay Per Box stores and manages 2,000,000 active files in-house and another 3,000,000 files for clients.Today on the show, you get to meet this amazing woman who has proven that anything is possible, despite what happens to you. You don’t want to miss it.We’ll also update you on the latest industry news.Enjoy the show.Special Thanks to our Exclusive Show Sponsor, O’Neil Software.