Rimproreport With Tom Adams

Florian von Oppenheim of Databox



Can you imagine making the decision to start a RIM service business in a brand new country? It’s a hard enough decision just in your own backyard. Now, imagine making this kind of entrepreneurial start-up decision with no prior record center experience.Against what many might consider rather unfavorable odds, Florian von Oppenheim set out from the UK to go to China to do just that. And nine years later, the company he started, Databox, is a thriving, records center operation with six locations across China.You’ll be surprised by Florian’s story. And I hope challenged that despite the odds, pretty much anything is possible, if you put your mind to it.We’ll also catch you up on the latest industry news.Enjoy the show.Special Thanks to our Exclusive Show Sponsor, O’Neil Software.