Don Woods

They're Coming to Take Don Away



After facing the pandemonium of cancelled flights and police tear gas outside the stadium the Liverpool fans were left with a hard to to take defeat in the Euro final.....some even hired a speedboat to get there....a bit of a damp squib to end the season on with a game they tactically should have won...and would have done had the Spanish goalie not played a blinder. Boris and his Christmas party is still headline news....will we ever move on?.....and there's nothing more annoying than someone shouting to the Prime Minister as he walks to his car "Are you going to resign Prime Minister?"....which Boris rightly ignores.....and it would make a nice change if the Labour Party actually came up with something constructive instead of constantly criticising the Government. Also the horrific shooting of school kids in America has had blanket coverage on the is difficult for people who live in countries where guns are illegal to comprehend the American viewpoint. The rolling headlines underneath the BBC N