Buddha Beats

BUDDHA BEATS - Episode 79 / Techno & Rave Classics



When I had started going to raves back in the 90's, the only "online" places were CompuServe, Prodigy, AOL, and if you really knew what you were doing, you would log on to a BBS — a Bulletin Board System. And these were used for chatting with people across the country, and depending on what you logged into, even the world. I remember logging into a BBS one night, and learning of a rave party once. Other than that, the best way to learn of the parties were flyers and word of mouth. And, once you learned of the party, in order to throw off the authorities, there were map-point hotlines. You would call from the first one, find out where the next one was to get to the party. Sometimes it was in a decrepit or dilapidated building or warehouse. These were called Illegal or "Outlaw" raves. That being said, the DJs, and the music you heard at these events were magical. Now that I'm older, and have amassed quite a nice catalog of tracks from that area in various formats (CD/vinyl/MP3s), I always wanted to play at one