Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Show Number 07.78.3: Abstractions



"Kapituli" by Ektroverde from Ukkosslama; "Dreams that Money Can Buy" by At Jennie Richie from The Bicycle Considered; "The Only Doosh Worth Giving" by Pumice from Pebbles; "Can't Roll Back" by Strategy from Future Rock; "Medusa" bu Ulrich Schnauss from Goodbye; The title track from Iso-Erotic Calibrations by T.A.G.C.; "Ernest Needs A Kidney (Live Studio Jam)" by Nurse with Wound from Rock and Roll Station; "Comfy in Nautica" by Panda Bear from Person Pitch; "Pink by White" by Songs of Green Pheasant from Aerial Days; "Secret Method of the Galactic Universe" by Galax from Neverending Space Trackin'