Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast

Spartacus Roosevelt Podcast, Show Number 08.85.4: Oh-eight y'all



"Portland Swamps" by Jazkamer and Smegma from Endless Coast; "Headdress" by Geronimo from their self-titled CD; "Maailmankaari I" by Es from Sateenkaarisuudelma; "Let Your Hair Grow Long" by Times New Viking from Presents the Paisley Reich; "Abandon" by Random Touch from Alchemy; "Mohenjo-Daro" by Astro Can Caravan from Questral Places; "Al Signor Lorenzo N." by Rockford Kabine from Italian Music: 31 Invalid Movie Themes; "Wind" by the Flower-Corsano Duo from The Radiant Mirror; "Low Waist" by Ultralyd from Conditions for a Piece of Music; The title track from You, Me and Everyone; "Ghosts" by Slaraffenland from Private Cinema; The Seventh untitled track from the self title Mt. Fuji Doomjazz Corporation CD.