New Books In Psychology

Jim Ryan: A Deep History of the California Institute of Integral Studies



This installment of the EWP podcast will conclude our double episode feature on Haridas Chaudhuri and the roots of the California Institute of Integral Studies. This episode features a talk by Jim Ryan, who started teaching at CIIS in 1981, and became core faculty in 1986. He is the former Director of the Asian and Comparative Studies program in the Philosophy and Religion department. Jim takes us on a deep historical and cultural journey, recounting Haridas Chaudhuri coming from Kolkata to San Francisco with the dream of cultivating East-West dialogue and how he established the California Institute of Asian Studies- later becoming the California Institute of Integral Studies. He also speaks of the origins of the East-West Psychology department in those early days of the institution. Jim Ryan received his Ph.D. (1985) in South Asian Literature (Tamil) from the University of California, Berkeley. He began teaching at CIIS in 1981, and became core faculty in 1986. He is the former Director of the Asian and Comp