Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Theory of Change: A Reconsideration of the Strategy to Abolish Abortion – Blaise Alleyne



On this episode, my guest, Blaise Alleyne, Eastern Outreach Director for the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, will discuss how the theory of change works backwards from the goal to figure out what must be done to achieve it.   Rather than just working forwards and asking, "what can I do?", CCBR has established a way of strategic thinking that works backwards, asking "what must be done?" This is a powerful paradigm shift that transformed how CCBR approaches pro-life strategy locally in Toronto, and across Canada.   As a student and volunteer activist, Blaise was inspired by CCBR's theory of change to end the killing in Canada, and now he is helping to carry out the strategy and make the vision a reality.   Also, last week the National Right to Life Committee released an Open Letter to state lawmakers directing them to exempt women from prosecution of illegal abortions in states that attempt to outlaw abortion.   For those of you who missed the letter, here is the link: