Friends At The Table

Sangfielle 53: Six Travelers: Hazard



This episode carries content warnings for human sacrifice, knives, explosions, memory loss, death. When Hazard entered our story, they may have seemed like someone defined by what was missing. But in truth, they had something that the members of the Blackwick Group never did: A clear and obvious objective. Now, standing on the other side of vengeance, they have the freedom (and the burden) of deciding what comes next.   This week on Sangfielle: Six Travelers: Hazard   The Almanac of the Heartland Rider Places Zevunzolia: Who the hell knows. A miraculous city waiting to be built? A utopian dimension adjacent our own? "The Seventh Sun Itself," I think I heard one of those fools call it. All I know is, however prime and pristine it is in promise, the pricetag keeps going conveniently unmentioned... Facts and Figures The Sunken Empress Altapasqua (she/her): Around fifty years after the panic set in, Altapasqua told her people she would ride across this cursed land and purge it of its disease and danger. She only