Stacking The Bricks - Real Entrepreneur Confessions

EP11 - "I just need someone to hold me accountable."



"I just need someone to hold me accountable.""If only there was a community where I could get advice…""Let me tell you my plan…"Have these phrases ever passed your lips? And then you failed to 1. executeyour plan, 2. take action on the advice you received, or 3. be accountable?I'm going to assume the answer is "Yes," because it's a mistake we've all made before. Although some of us longer than others.That's what I did for about a decade before shipping Twistori, before Freckle, before JavaScript Performance Rocks! — before 30x500. I used to talk about the business I would build, some day. The software I would design, some day. I had HUGE ambition.I was always looking around for something that would make me do it.And I learned: There's no such thing.There is no force on earth that can make you do something. Really — nothing.Even if a moustachio'd highwayman held you at gunpoint and demanded "YOUR LAUNCH DATE OR YOUR LIFE," you would still be choosing between co