Stacking The Bricks - Real Entrepreneur Confessions

EP15 - Why "Lambo Goals" never keep you motivated



Hey brick stackers, Amy here.Last time we talked about resolutions (which are easy). Now let's talk about motivation (which is hard).Realtalk: How many times have you started a project with a burst of motivation and dream and then it just… fizzled out? Not with a bang, but with a whimper?(Or dreamt about it and planned it, but never started it?)Believe me, I'm not wielding the Scepter of Snooty Judgment here. I used to be a total creative flake. My Someday Maybe file was so thick it could have served as furniture. I started everything and finished nothing.I sure felt motivated… but it didn't last.I dreamt about riches and acclaim… but they weren't enough to get me off my ass. Much less keep me there.My life was littered with undone projects and frankly, it felt like shit.Obviously in 2008, this all changed — I designed, co-developed and shipped my first app (after literally years of telling myself "I should build a SaaS"). Then followed a technical book. Then workshops. Then conf calls. Then this cl