Stacking The Bricks - Real Entrepreneur Confessions

EP30 - Sales for Founders & The Tiny MBA



Hope you're safe, hope you're well, hope your loved ones are well, hope you're finding ways to stay sane and of course, finding ways to keep stacking the bricks to build your own product business.Over the coming weeks I'm going to be adding new episodes to the Stacking the Bricks feed to highlight conversations that I've been having across the internet with creators and entrepreneurs.Why have I been having these conversations?One: I'm stuck at home, just like you!But two: I have a new book, The Tiny MBA100 Very Short Lessons about the Long Game of BusinessShort enough to read in 20-30 minsAvailable as an ebook but also for the first time, a paperback book!Today's episode is one of the first conversations I had about the book, with Louis Nicholls from the Sales for Founders podcast.Louie was one of the beta readers, and invited me to kick off a new seasons of his show to talk about the book and to go deep on a few of the lessons inside.I'll let him introduce the episode in a moment, but if you want to get your