New Books In Psychology

Joe Loizzo and Elazar Aslan, "Boundless Leadership: The Breakthrough Method to Realize Your Vision, Empower Others, and Ignite Positive Change" (Shambhala, 2021)



Realize your fullest leadership potential, claim your boldest vision, and prioritize the well-being of your team and world with this new science-based approach to leadership. In Boundless Leadership: The Breakthrough Method to Realize Your Vision, Empower Others, and Ignite Positive Change (Shambhala, 2021), psychotherapist Joe Loizzo and executive coach Elazar Aslan offer science-based vision of leadership to help leaders cultivate clarity, compassion and fearlessness for themselves and throughout their organization. In the podcast, our host Leo explores the main themes of the book, disciplines of heart, mind, and body, and how leaders can evolve from their survival instinct to their thriving instinct. They discuss real-world examples and real-world applications of how executives, entrepreneurs, and individuals, all seeking to get the best out of themselves, develop to better lead themselves and others. Joe explains the underlying philosophy and psychology behind Boundless Leadership; Elazar shares his story