Anxiety Slayer

Meditation for The Fully Realized Woman



In this week's podcast Shann reads a beautiful poem by Karen Andes, music by Ananga. I am a beautiful woman, with beauty that doesn’t wash off. I earned it, unearthed it, rescued it like a jewel in the dust, picked it up and made it shine. For years I did not see it, though I sensed it was there.  Now it dazzles and thrives. I am healthy, capable, independent, strong yet still so fragile, floored by a sigh. My body is that of a creator … angles meeting curves, hardness drifting into soft. I am a mother, daughter, sister, lover to myself.  Embraceable and brave, I extend my heart. My body is home, my home a shrine to life, comfortable, warm and rich with treasures. Mine is the scent of hot spices caught in a breeze, mine the laughter that wings through the door. I share myself only with those who honor me as I am and protect myself, my house, and my time from invaders. I search for my center in the midst of chaos, practice peace as wild dogs clamor in my mind. I use power for the greater good, relea