Activist Radio: The Mark Harrington Show

Is Roe Overturned? Q and A with Attorney Katie Short



On this special episode, Mark will answer questions about the breaking news that Justice Samuel Alito has written a draft majority opinion overturning Roe v. Wade. Politico is reporting that a draft majority opinion written by Justice Alito has overturned Roe. This comports with speculation last week that Chief Justice Roberts wasn't writing the majority decision and Alito was. If true, Roberts will likely join the liberals in dissent. Some of the questions to be answered are:   Is Roe overturned or is there still a final decision to be released? Why and how was the draft leaked to the media? Did the person break protocol/rules of the court? Will the conservative justices cave under the pressure and flip their votes? If one voted to overturn Roe but doesn’t join Alito’s decision, does his decision still stand as the majority one? What we will be we doing differently, if anything, when Roe falls? What steps will pro-abortion advocates be taking on the coming weeks and months?   When Roe officially falls, stat