Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

Energy Update & May Angel Reading



When I was tuning into the theme for May, usually I get a clear indication of an overarching theme for the month. For the first time this didn’t happen because May is going to bring a bit of everything! Get ready! It will either be a month of incredible change or incredible upheaval. We always have the opportunity to choose positive change but if we are not super focused on what is wanted in our lives, we may inadvertently open up to what is not wanted simply by misdirecting our energy. May is a time for spiritual mastery and of course lots of support from our Angels and guides! Discover all the details in this months podcast, I share: - The energy that lies ahead during May. - May numerology of the number 5. - Astrology key dates during the month and their meaning. - How to work with the eclipse energy the month brings. - Angel cards for the month ahead and their message. Have you read my new book? You can get your copy of Presence, Awakening To The Light Within here: